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For Farmers Movement grant rules and eligibility.

Your farm must sell most of its products. We love homesteaders, but the grants are reserved for those who produce food, fiber, fuel, flowers, etc. for sale to others.

do not award grants to animal sanctuaries. We love what you do, but our grants are not available to support your mission.

If you have received a For 
Farmers grant in the past, you must wait two calendar years before you can apply again. We love what you're doing and hope to find more farms like yours to welcome to the fam. For example, if you received a grant in 2023, you will be eligible again in 2025. Exception: If you received a grant in the past two years, you are still eligible to apply if you are part of a collaboration grant application with one to two other farms (see the application here).

You do not have to be nominated to apply for a grant, BUT it's a good idea to engage your community by sharing about this opportunity so they get behind you. We have seen communities pitch in and help with specific grants and also donate to the overall pool of grants. Nominators are an important part of the movement. Invite them in!
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